Thursday, April 14, 2016

"When the sun is shining, I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome." ~Wilma Rudolph

As I sit down outside to write this final blog post, the scene is so peaceful.  The sky has no clouds at all, the sun is beating down, and there is a slight breeze indicative of the summer season.  And, I feel wonderful.  Today has been an amazing day, and I give almost all the credit to this glorious sunny weather.  Yesterday, when the scene was a little less bright, and the sun a little less warm, I had a significantly less wonderful day.

Just as fiction authors and playwrights use weather and scenery to create mood, people feed off of mother nature to form their own moods every day.  Without realizing it, we have significantly more "good" days when the weather is nicer.

Wilma Rudolph said, "When the sun is shining, I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome."  This is true, but why can't we transfer these sentiments to cloudy days as well?

We cannot allow a majority of rainy days to be "bad" anymore.  The next rainy day, just imagine that the sun is out, or find beauty in different parts of the rainy day--the way the droplets hang off the trees, the ominous piling of clouds in the sky, or the sloshing noise of rain boots on pavement, for example.

The technique I just described should work for nearly anyone.  However, if just imagining sunshine isn't enough, or if you can't find any beauty in a rainy day, then you must simply create your own sun.  Smile more, find humor in little things, and seek out the people you love the most.  There is always something to smile about, and a rainy day should not be the sole cause of a bad mood.

The good news is, the next few days are forecasted to have glorious, beautiful weather, perfect for being outdoors and soaking up some sun.  Enjoy every ray of sunshine and the imminent joy that comes with it, but bottle up some happiness to save for a rainy day.


  1. I've really enjoyed reading your blog this year, you are such a fantastic writer! This post definitely gave me hope that the next few days will be wonderful, I can't wait to soak up the sun :)

  2. I think it's really cool that you actually demonstrated graphical representations of your findings.I definitely believe that people have better days when there is sun. there is actually a study that explain how vitamin D deficiency is correlated with symptoms of depression.

  3. It's so cool how you charted your days for a month leading up to this post. The weather definitely does affect people's moods. When I walk around campus on a sunny day, I feel like a majority of people I see are happily walking with a smile on their face.

  4. This was really uplifting! I totally agree with you in that my mood is often so dependent upon the weather (which is one major reason I want to move south after college). Yesterday was absolutely beautiful, and I got to spend most of it outside. And yesterday was probably the best day of the week, so there's certainly a connection. Though I agree that there's always a reason to smile, and sometimes we just need to "create our own sun".

  5. You had mostly good days this past month! Yay!
